by Alto | 29 Apr 2022 | Opinion Piece
The pandemic has put many events around the globe to a halt. But, if there is one thing that people across the world won’t forget, it is the day we celebrate our parents. With or without the pandemic, we have seen just how much all mothers and fathers go the...
by Alto | 24 Jun 2021 | Opinion Piece
It isn’t hard to stay connected in this day and age, with everyone being on their phone 24/7. More so when your job depends and requires the use of social media for a business/company to stay in touch with its customers and grow their business. So what happens when...
by Alto | 13 Apr 2018 | Opinion Piece, Social Media Marketing
Facebook’s been up to no good. It’s Friday the 13th and we can’t wait till this unlucky day is over. But who could be more unfortunate than Facebook founder Mark Zuckerburg, who spent 2 days in Washington enduring an extensive grilling from the senate regarding...
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